home > misc > 2002/09






Uah, I guess I'm not myself... Anyway, I'm talking about Naru. The gross time of her standing on my desktop has broken 1,000 hour! I've been associated with her for a long while. I hope I'll keep being on this good terms with her.

Come to think of it, Mr.Kusumi is really alright? He stopped updating his web site again, so I'm worried a little...

icenotes, suite!

Originally I should've written these topics yesterday, but I didn't because I wouldn't disturb an atomosphere. I have no other intentions.

Now, the artist Takano's web site `iecnotes, suite' was renewed! I haven't visited the web site for a so long time that I haven't noticed this renewal at all, while it's done in August... Oh, the former is certainly excellent, but this home page is also wonderful. Good.

... What? The volume 3 of "River's end" has been already released? And postcards were distributed!? It... it's not the truth, is it?













the result of the mock exam

Yesterday, I got the result of the mock exam I took in the middle of last manth. The exam is the only one I took in this summer. I doubt that I've made quite progress since the day, so it could be said that it shows the current position of me.

Looking at it from a point of view of individual subjects, English is the best. I got 85 points out of 120, and I am fortunately listed in the list of excellent records. Math is also better than I thought, for I got partial points in each problem. It seems that they didn't mark our answers very strictly. So is Japanese, but the problem is the points of science. Chemistry is especially awful. Though I assigned about 100 minutes (out of 150 minutes for Physics and Chemistry) to Chemistry, I got only 13 out of 60. Physics is certainly better than Chemistry, but I never say it's enough. I wonder if it is alright that I got large part of total point from the subjects but scientific subjects.

Total point is much better than I expected, and I get the rank A. I feel a little relieved for the present, but this result never mean that there is no doubt I'll pass the actual exam.



たれ目文化 :-p

the sense of English

I've got a feeling that I've find something essential. Although it might be only natural, to write in English is completely different from to do in Japanese. Even if I have a Japanese witty expression, it doesn't translate well in most cases. I could hardly expect that English expressions translated into Japanese are smart. When you write English, you must do it with the sense of English. I think what I really need is it.




this three straight holidays

Hum... why. Why do I still have a plenty of things to do? Something wrong have I done?

Okay, I'll remember what I did these three days... first of all, I slept 10 hours on last Saturday. That's all right. Oversleeping is the special privilege of students. Then, I studied math a bit. Wonderful! Next... I suppose I killed time and that I slept 12 hours... Auh, no problem. The privilege of students, isn't it? I woke and made some plans of CGs, and then... yeh, read a few pages of Feynman Lectures on Physics vol.3. And... after that... and... I had a sound sleep of 14 hours... oh, er... the privilege. It's the privilege. When I say it is the privilege, it becomes the privilege! Hehe!


11mm ball bearings

ラジ四駆 ローラー用11mmボールベアリング 2個セット
グレードアップパーツシリーズNo.308 ●R/C MINI 4WD 11mm BALL BEARINGS (2PCS.)


Well, 11mm... the point to check. I also need to keep an eye on the FRP plates put on sale at the same time.



When I struggle with some math problems and solve them up, I sometimes feel good somehow. Of course, in almost all of time, I don't. I nearly always solve them automatically, wondering how much I'm profited by doing so. Ridiculous. However, I haven't stopped to do it. Once I know the pleasure of it, even if I rarely feel it, I can't help continueing. It is awful rather than beautiful.

It is also true of life. To tell you the truth, I've experienced much more hard, painful things than delightful ones. In several times I even wanted to commit suisude, now I have no idea how seriously I thought such a thing, though. But, I've certainly had a few experiences, happy, marvelous, moving ones. I greatly owe what I am to them. There are actually lots of such lovely things in the world, but we can't recognize them in many cases. I've lived in the way and I'll live in the same, I reckon.



Van Gogh, Vincent

Today (with some friends of mine: TAKU, ...) I visited the exhibition of Gogh, one of the most famous painters, that is being held at Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Art. Though the entrance fee is no less than 900 yen in spite of using a discount ticket, it was so impressive that I'm very satisfied. At the museum shop I bought 6 picture postcards.

3 つの鳥の巣のある静物

... 物体というものはその自然な周囲の中でではなく、むしろ慣習的な背景に対置させた場合くっきり浮かび出てくる ...

In the last part of it, there was an exhibition about `a sanflower in Ashiya.' It is one of the 12 pictures in which he painted sunflowers, and it was owned by a Japanese having lived in Ashiya. The one exhibited was the restored one, and it didn't fascinate me at all, but I knew the real one had been lovely. I, though, was instinctively with my mouth wide open for a while when I read the last sentence of the description: the picture was destroyed by fire on 6 August 1945, when the United States Air Force attacked Kobe from the air.






No time. Why ... why don't I have any time? I must do my best at all, though.

Hum... I don't know very well whether I can exactly express what I want to say(write). Honestly, I suppose I can't...




Having took a trial exam at school on last Saturday, Today is a make-up holiday. Need I take no less than 3 trial exams in a month? I've already tired out.

Yesterday I forgot to link several weblogs, which I found while browsing around, that seem to have something interesting:

Reading these will probably help me getting used to colloquial expressions.

muttering in English

A certain woman advised me that when I talk to myself I do it in English in order to make an advance to natural English speaking. It'd be certainly effective, I was convinced at the moment.

However, I found a terrible fact just now. I SELDOM talk to myself even in Japanese to begin with!


an announcement

It's a sudden decision, but under some circumstances I decided to write this diary not in Japanese, but in English, for the time being. (Of course, there might be some exceptions, though)

Frankly speaking, it is the fact that I can't help worrying about how long I can keep being in this state. I, however, have decided it anyway.


the influence of the patient's mental attitude

What is the difference between those who leave hospitals earlier than their doctors predict and those who "live" in hospitals after the days when their doctors have thought they could leave hospitals? It may be occasionaly caused by the fact that the doctors aren't somethings, but the most important factor is the patients' attitude towards their treatments.

Who knows a story that a boy who thinks of his disease as incurable one leaves hospital in not quite a few days? The more negative attitude a patient has, the worse he/she gets. A lot of surveys show that it is true in the situations where the disease is from a cold to a cancer. In fact, I have some experiences that I got worse and worse when I was in poor health.

Likewise, a number of theories tell us: a possitive attitude makes a patient feel well. I have a lot of experiences that prove it, and there are unnumerable stories like this in the world. In addition, a positive attitude enables a person to get his/her condition to turn, even though he/she is in a big slump.

The patient's mental attitude towards his/her has a great influence on the effectiveness of the treatment. He/She gets better if he/she has a positive attitude, and vice versa. It already becomes a piece of common knowledge in the Medical area. If you are in some troubles, remember it, and try to have a positive attitude!

an excuse in advance

I suppose I'll write some texts like the above, but they are exactly the practices of writing in English and nothing else, so the opinions included in them might have nohing intersting. Pardon me. I don't feel like putting such things, though, I have to improve English writing skill anyway. Ideal is to be able to write down what I think in an instant. If you find some mistakes or errors, let me know, please.

... Come to think of it, could I afford to devote myself to English?







virus には飽きた

ここのところ、どうもウイルスが多くて困ってます。どんなウイルスが流行ってるかを知るのはマイナスにならないのである程度の被害は歓迎なのですが、あまり同じパターンでずっと送られてきても閉口します(身勝手な……)。100KB 強の大型のものばかりなので、ディスクの浪費にもなりますし。

最近は From: を詐称するものばかりになってきているようで、ウイルスに感染する人を特定するのは、無理ではないにしろかなり面倒くさそうです。Received: から推測される SMTP サーバのドメイン名のうち、ここのところ元気なのは以下の 3 つです。


でも、大抵の To: は ma1.seikyou.ne.jp の方なんですよね……。TRF が問題なのかな……。





別にこの瞬間が訪れたことは不思議でもなんでもありません。誰が悪いというわけでもない。……いや、あえて言えば「みんな」悪かったかな。ls さんを含めて。


「諦めるな!」ではない「諦めない!」』というのはもっともだと思いますが、しかしそれにしても ls さんの存在はあまりにも大きすぎたでしょうね……。僕だって何かしたいのはやまやまですが、それをできる状況に無いし、それをするだけの力も無い。




[URL Memo]



改札へ向かう途中に、ごみ箱が 4 つ並んでいた。この鉄道会社が分別回収を始めたのは早かったような気がする、と思っている間に、もうそのごみ箱は間近に迫っていた。一番手前のごみ箱の表示が目に入る。





スピードを落とすことなく 4 つ目のごみ箱を通り過ぎてから、やっと彼は、あれっ、と思った。捨てるところが無いのはおかしいのではないかと思いつつも、改札へ向かう人の流れに今さら逆らうのも気が引けて、そのまま自動改札機を通った。




[URL Memo]


大きな胸の メイドロボ おじいさんの セリオ

百年いつも 動いていた ご自慢のセリオさ

[URL Memo]


感受性を全開にしたら? ――死ぬよ。

[URL Memo]



[URL Memo]

代ゼミ 第 2 回 全国センター模試

7 月の中旬頃、期末考査が終わってすぐに学校で受けたような受けなかったような。連日徹夜の疲れで午前中の試験はずっと寝ていたような寝なかったような。


はえー、この成績で B 判定ですか。きついなあ。A 判定が全国で 20 数人しかいないというのはどうなんだか。地理をもうちょっとがんばって、国語を力いっぱいがんばれば文句はないんでしょうけど。


寝ながら解いた国語が 141 点で、寝ながら解いた英語が 191 点ってのは何か間違ってませんか。両方とも逆に不自然でしょ、明らかに。